Sponsorship of sporting events and Ambush Marketing after London 2012 – where are we at? 

Commissions: Corporate Counsel, IP Technology Media & Telecommunications, Sports Law

General Reporters: Romain Dourlen, Árpád Geréd, Roberto Viscomi

National Reporter: Dr. iur. Thilo Pachmann (Switzerland)

About this General Report 

Organizing a General Report is never easy. It requires ideas, energy, a thorough understanding of the topic to be treated and in certain cases market insights which come close to visionary powers to know, which topic will still be interesting once the report is publish. However above all it requires making decisions. 

So when the idea for this report was born, the decision had to be made, which of the many commissions of the AIJA to involve. Corporate Counsel seemed an obvious choice, given that the involvement of in-house lawyers in Ambush Marketing issues is everything but uncommon. However there was also the Sports Law Sub-Commission and lastly also, due to most of the legal issues in Ambush Marketing being IP-related, the IP Technology Media & Telecommunications-Commission. In the end the decision was made to involve all three Commissions, which is reflected by the number of National Reporters per country. 

Coordinating those three Commissions as well as National Reporters from all over the world was a challenge of its own, but in the end the efforts paid off and we are very happy to present you with this report. Our special thanks go out to our National Reporters:


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